Campaign Game 3 : Edd's Cunning Plan
Our Campaign is now three games in, and this time Dwarf
Treasure Hunters and Orc Mob would face each other over a good old-fashioned
skirmish. Set up seemed like it was even going to favour a good bit of arra’
business for the oddly shootie Mob who winning the roll off deployed in
buildings along an edge with an abundance of vantage points. Wozzer the crossbow
wielding Big’un licked his lips at the thought of pin cushioning the pesky
dwarf treasure hunters. Having been briefed thoroughly on da cunning plan by Edd’
-Wozz could see that obviously the Dwarf band would filter into the various
kill zones Edd’ had so gleefully drawn out in the dirt before the battle had begun.
Having explained his plan to da boyz, Edd’ who was just returning from his
injury in the first game returned to thinking about introducing his choppas to
Stronginthearm, the clansman who had dealt the injuring blow.
The Dwarf warband finding it had again crossed paths with
the same moronically stupid band of Orcs who were ineffectually plaguing them through
the streets of the Mordheim set up information. Clearly having seen the massive
less than stealthy Orc climb into the tower, they reasoned sticking to the
narrow back streets a wise way to deny the Orc any targets.
Orc turn 1
A relatively quiet animosity phase with only the ever foul
tempered and equally foul breathed Goblin – Foulbreath Grimnose charging out
from the archway of a building hurdling towards the still faraway dwarfs. The
rest of the orc movement phase seemed to reveal that the opening positions were
either a form of brilliant diversion or an imbecilically flawed deployment. All
part of da cunning plan. This plan also definitely hinged on the two
Squigs bouncing at a leisurely pace behind their minder Foulbreath.
Dwarfs turn 1
Having dumbfounded the Orc would be sniper by denying them a
line of sight the Dwarfs continued an organised march forwards towards the
scenes of utterly chaos at the other end of the city quarter.
Orc turn 2
As the skirmish shaped up to be one of the quieter days in
the History of Mordheim – the Orcs and Goblins continued to scurry haplessly
into position. Not of course without one from the trio of Goblin Archers taking
offence to something muttered by one of their snarling comrades. Thankfully the
Git stuck decided to hurling only abuse back towards the original offender as
Edd’ marched by glaring at the misbehaving runt. Sticka, knowing the poor mood
of Edd’ having suffered two defeats at the hands of these Dwarfs decided to go
and do as the boss had instructed and get into an elevated position to cast the
great magics of Gork (or woz it Mork) he pondered. Wozzer continued to chuckle
to himself in the tower, the dwarfs would be such easy picking from this secret
tower he has so cleverly scaled. Below on the street, Edd’ was too busy to kill
the annoying Goblin hurling abuse, as he lumbered forward wondering where the
dwarfs where – what was taking them so long to fall into in trap, his thoughts
only disrupted by the noise of squigs slushing as they bounced up the street.
Dwarfs turn 2
What was that squishing noise coming up the streets, and
what were those Orcs doing clawing at the ruined brick work of the city? The
Dwarfs didn’t allow those two curiosities to distract them from following Morgrim,
their Nobles, commands – the formation redressed itself, Alairk Eagleeye, the
thunderer, dropping back into the rear as they took up positions in a ruined
Tower that looked like it would provide a defensible position to push the Orc
Mob back from.
Finally thought Edd’ he could smell the stale beer and pipe
smoke now – he bellowed for is mob to get into position and for the squigs to
descend. Ever sentient fungoid realised that it was time to cut out all the
nonsense and follow Edd’s instructions to the letter.
The Noble coldly called out the positions for his followers
– Stronginthearm and Skeggi would take the left alley Rorek the Beardling, the
Noble, and the Slayer, Kragg, would meet anything that charged from the right,
leaving a small gap for the Thunderer to unleash blots.

Turn 4
And then it wasn’t quiet anymore. The Squigs bounded
sploshing on a dwarf line which looked suspiciously organised. Thankfully the
Squig were far from cognitively gifted enough to realise that what Edd’ had
said would be an ambush of the unsuspecting didn’t seem to be looking like
this. From the tower where Wozzer had stationed himself a howling laughter
could be heard around the city as the sharp-eyed Orc spied an earnest Dwarf
with a shorter beard that most of the dwarf band which he had become familiar
with of late.
Of the two bolts, one had nearly taken Skeggi in the eye
only the noise of orc’s cackles had alerted him that the Orc in the tower had
caught sight of him. That fleeting moment had allowed him the chance to drop backwards
hitting the floor with a thud. As Skeggi dropped he could see the bounding
Squig leaping atop Stronginthearm who wrestled the reeking beast doing more
than holding it at bay, but somehow off balancing the creature and flipping it
to the ground before Skeggi regained his footing and brutally skewered the
beast. On the right flank the line of dwarfs under the steward ship of the
Noble functioned as if a battle line – the squid losing it footing in fray
bounding off the Nobles shield and being shortly dispatched by the Slayer.
While the Dwarfs had set themselves about slaying the
onslaught of Squigs – they had missed the clambering of Orcs and Goblins to the
rooftops on the opposite side of the street.
Edd’ hearing wails of wounded Squigs pounded forward – the
dead pets could usually be revived with a threat of eating them, and he was
sure their swift demise wouldn’t be too much of a problem for his most cunning
of plans.
Turn 5
Edd’ could ‘ear ‘em. Edd’ could smell ‘em. He couldn’t see
‘em, but he was sure if he ran around the corner screaming “Waaaaghh” and
flailing wildly – he’d do just fine – that was da cunning plan after all – have
the cowards pin the dwarfs down, so Edd’ could hack them to pieces. As he bound
the corner, he had barely time to realise that the dwarf he had just barrelled
over was that stupid sword yielding Dwarf who had giving him that thumping
headache by hitting him hard on the head with the same blade.
Stronginthearm was on his back – the hulking beast had
bowled him from his feet and was looking with malign intent toward him – the
beast clearly remembered who it was that had delivered the debilitating blow
when last they’d met. Strong braced himself to meet the ancestors, when he
noticed Skeggi his spear embedded deep in the Orc’s Side. The Orc still looked
devilishly happy as it keeled over. Skeggi pulled the prone Clansman to his
Edd’ could hear the arra’s pinging harmlessly off the walls
as the goblins shot hopelessly at the building these stubborn dwarfs had taken
up residence in, and then he decided probably best to have a nap before he got
to the business of killing his useless mob.
Sticka was in big trouble – lying to Edd’ about the vision
from Mork (or woz it Gork) of feasting on the Dwarfs might have been a foolish
thing to do. He had only one thing he could do to save his hide – kill all of
them himself. He jumped from the building he was in – clattering… badly… he
gathered himself motivated by the fear of what Edd’ would do to him if all the
Dwarfs weren’t roasting on a spit by the time, he woke up… if he was still
alive that was.

Turn 6
Limping into the street Sticka began summoning the power of
the gods to hurl the dwarfs at each other again. Edd’ had found that one funny
before Sticka thought. Sadly, it seemed as though he thought about this a
little too hard as instead of the familiar great big hand propelling the stocky
dwarfs through their own ranks, a small puff of green smoke formed a grinning
face at him. He couldn’t have annoyed the Gods with his lie, could he?
As Stronginthearm and Skeggi charged head long into the
Shaman – they later remarked about the quizzical look on its face and the small
green leering face that had appeared in smoke from the creature’s hand.
Covering this charging frontline, the dwarf thunderer had
seen the Goblin Archer luring on the second floor and steadied a bolt for the
next time the creature head peered over the masonry, and the patience paid true
as the create shot wildly missing the thunderers bolt cleaved a large wound in
the goblins head. The thunderer studiously loaded another bolt hearing the
heavy clattering of a body on floorboards.
The rest of the dwarf band charged forth from the building
into the now congested street – they knew they had shaken the resolve of the
Orcs, and it wouldn’t take much more to see them off.
He’s used to be one of da Big Gitz when he’d followed the
Goblin Shaman the heavily wounded Goblin thought to himself, here he was - he
could hear Foulbreath downstairs screaming abuse and he was up here bleeding
out. That was it – he’d show everyone he was still a Big Git. The Goblin
archer, clawing his way to the ledge of the ruined building had failed his
animosity – we ruled, despite being knocked down, he’d commit a diving charge
by throwing himself from the building. Mainly because it was very, very funny.
Downstairs, less funny for the Orcs was Foulbreath, the ever animosity prone
Goblin charged and knocked down one of the archers taking aim through a window.
The combat in the street despite a projectile Goblin turned into a dwarf made
bloodbath – first Stronginthearm craved a still magic impotent Sticka in two
rolling a critical wound. Then Hammer wielding bearding also rolled a critical
wound caving the head of Original Doom Diver Goblin in.
The Goblin had not been the only useless projectile the Orcs
and Goblins had unleashed in turn 7 with the remaining Goblin Archer able to
pointlessly shoot at the Slayer, and Wozzer spying a shot on the Noble but also
utterly wasting his two quick shots.
The Dwarfs keen for more slaughter barrelled into the
building where the Goblins had been busily failing animosity rolls – despite my

desire to try and kill something – Gork (or woz it Mork)
decided that Edd’ mob would run away and live to eat the Dwarfs another day.
Edd’ came to, and he saw he wouldn’t have to kill Sticka
himself, one of the Dwarfs had cut him in two. That said, picking up the
wounded squig, and beating the last life out of that still twitching Goblin
would make him feel a whole lot better after the day’s events.
Da Boyz Woz Ate Clever Git suffered pretty gruelling losses
with Sticka the Shaman dying in the post-game alongside a squig and the diving
Goblin Archer. The only advancements were for Foulbreath who gained a +1 to his
strength. Wozzer went off into the ruins to search for Wyrdstone in the hopes
of not enraging Edd’ anymore, however only found one Shard for his troubles.
The Dwarfs Treasure Hunters on the other hand found a grand
tally of three Wyrdstone, and the hammer wielding Beardling found themselves
the recipient of +1 initiative. Skeggi and Stronginthearm, despite being
henchmen continued to add to their legends – now both having wounded the Boss
Eddsplitter Grotboy
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